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Rifle Range

700 Yd Rifle RangeRifle Range Shooting target board holders at every 100 yards out to 700 yards. Target backer board holders provided you bring your own paper targets.

Steel table and steel chair and folding table and chairs  provided.

Lead sled available at $10.00 rental.

Fee is $30.00 for one shooter for two hours plus $20.00 for additional shooter with membership. Proficiency must be demonstrated at different distances.

Big bore rifle, 50 caliber and stick shooting to 100 yards with club manager approval only.

Reactive targets that may be used included  balloons, china plates, clay pigeons and binary exploding targets are allowed. No steel targets allowed.

Boyd-daughter-600x450This 700 Yd

Long Range Rifle Shooting is suitable for proficiency shooting and  bore hunting rifles.

I’ve never met a hunter who thought he was a lousy shot. I suspect every one of us fancies himself a bit of a modern-day Davy Crockett, and while some among our ranks deserve the title “marksman,” the hard truth is that many don’t.

The good news is that top-flight instruction has never been easier to come by, particularly with the proliferation of long-range precision rifle schools, most of which have been strongly influenced by modern sniper techniques. Every hunter could benefit from this instruction, regardless of skill level, and you might be surprised at how much crossover there is between shooting at hostage scenario targets and going after a trophy mule deer.

Not only will sniper school improve your skills and judgment—these classes, which you’ll see photos of in this story, have certainly helped mine—but it will also show you the limits of what you can do under practical field conditions, which is the very least we owe to the game we hunt and cherish.

Our motto; “Take a youth shooting to build boldness and confidence in their future”

NOTE; Range users are encouraged to determine if they are covered by their home owner policy or to obtain shooters liability insurance to cover any liabilities incurred. 

Shooting Tips Videos Available Here

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